Healing Sessions
Shift a load from your soul & find your inner peace
Healing Sessions
All of the following may be used during your healing session: Angelic Reiki, Past Life Healing, the Akashic Records, Channelling, Light Language & Access Bars. You can also specify which modality you wish to be used if you choose to.
What’s on Top Sessions.
(In person & remotely).
This can take place as a light touch hands on session as you lay on a massage table or it can take the form of a face to face conversation. In your healing session your higher self may show me past lives that are needed to be cleared at this time along with areas of imbalance within your body and energy field. I will facilitate the required healing to take place and ensure that any negative karmic connections are resolved in the process so you are able to move forward in your current life for your highest most perfect good. I will pass on any messages to you that I receive during the healing along with a synopsis of the life/lives that may have arisen for clearing.
$90.00 – 1hr/1hr 3o mins
Intuitive Sessions – No Holds Barred.
This can take place as a light touch hands on session as you lay on a massage table or it can take the form of a face to face conversation. Messages will be given to you during the healing along with details of past lives if these are apparent. A synopsis of the healing methods drawn on will be given at the end.
$150.00 – 1hr/1hr 3o mins
If any work is done remotely, you will receive a recording/transcript of the messages I receive, details of Past Lives if relevant and the work that I carry out for you on your behalf.
Animal Communication
(Remote only).
If you feel that your beloved pet is needing some TLC, something a bit extra or maybe you feel like they have a lot to tell you then this is the package for you! I will connect with your pet and channel a message for you from them. They will also receive an Angelic Reiki healing which may bring further clarity or new information to compliment the channeled message. A sound healing session will also be recorded for each animal and provided for their benefit along with a recording of the channeling. As our pets are an integral part of our lives this healing will also benefit you as there maybe past life connections that need to be healed between you and them and the wisdom that they impart will help you have more understanding about the part they play in your life.
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I am a dōTERRA Wellness Advocate
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Writing & Reading Services for Healers & Creatives
Do you have something you need read over? I can help.
Having trouble finding the words to describe yourself or your services? I can also help.
Having completed MANY courses over the years in mainstream education as well as the not so mainstream I can provide writing assistance to those constructing their own courses or for those struggling to put together content for their own healing business.